The Foundation’s board began an in-depth look at our scholarship program’s impact in 2019, including how to support adult learners. The Complete Your Degree (CYD) program, pioneered by St. Clair Community Foundation, is a way to “redefine and reimagine how scholarship assets are used to support the continuing education of adults.”
Who is eligible?
Oceana County residents who are:
- Adults who have already completed some college credits at MCC/WSCC or another college, but who are at risk of not completing their college education due to life needs and obstacles
- Adults who previously tried college or university at a four-year institution
- Adults who graduated from high school within the last several years, but who never tried college before
- Adults who are single parents; those who would be first generation college graduates; those from single parent families; low-income; minority; TIP eligible (Tuition Incentive Program)
For more information, check our CYD Info Sheet. If you are interested in supporting or learning more about this initiative, contact Hannah Naples or Tammy Carey.
In order to meet students where they need us, we have opened our application year-round. Students can apply at any point!
Turn ‘someday’ into today by submitting an application through our GoApply system here:
Please read through these CYD Application Instructions to help navigate our application portal!
Once accepted into the program, students can access:
- A renewable academic scholarship for MCC or WSCC
- Partnership with a CYD Success Coach to provide support and resource referrals
- Emergency aid funding to help students meet their basic needs and reduce barriers
The Complete Your Degree program is a project of the Community Foundation for Oceana County and is supported by these donors and endowed Foundation funds:
- Hager-Lacey Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Helen Hutt Scholarship Fund
- Randall & Linda Wagner Family Fund
- Phillip & Cathy Brown
- LaBarge-Beeber Family Fund
- Bluhm-Lockwood Trust Fund
- Mears United Methodist Church
- Trinity Health West MI Impact Grant Program
- William R Lathers Foundation Fund
- Dan & Laura Muirhead Fund
- Memorial donations in honor of Kathy Owens
You can help support Oceana’s adult learners by making an online gift to the Complete Your Degree Program Fund here.
Adult student scholarships are offered on a rolling basis to Oceana County residents (or residents of an Oceana-based school district) who have been out of high school for at least one year and/or have a gap in their post-secondary education. Adult students are often (but not always) prospective undergraduate students who are 25 years of age or older. Adult students may also have other identifying criteria, such as full-time employment, parenthood, care of elderly parents, or prior military service.
Scholarship applications will be accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis until resources are depleted.
Scholarship Application is closed at this time, we are directing all scholars to apply to our CYD program
Questions? Call Hannah Naples, 231.869.3377, or e-mail hannah@oceanafoundation.org. Applicants should expect to hear from the Foundation within 30 days of submitting their application.