For Grant Applicants

  • We award grants to nonprofit, tax-exempt organizations serving Oceana County that have been determined by the IRS to be 501(c)(3) and 509(a) public charities.

  • To become a 501(c)(3) organization you must file an application with the IRS.

  • We have two competitive grant deadlines per year: March 31 and August 31.

  • For grant application guidelines and more information about our priorities for awarding grants, please visit the Grants section of our website.

  • Because of limited financial resources at this time, the Foundation generally makes only one-time grant commitments up to $3,000. Longer term commitments may be considered for initiatives that show exceptional promise for community impact.


  • Begin by contacting a member of our grant staff to discuss your proposal. Afterwards, you will be directed to the online application. Visit the Applying for a Grant page of our website for additional information.

  • The grant process takes around 8-10 weeks from application to announcement of awards.

  • We do not accept applications for specific donor advised funds, which are advised by individuals, families or companies.  However, we do bring funding ideas to the attention of these donors through our Community Wish Lists and through connecting donors to projects and programs that match their charitable interests.

  • We award grants to faith-based organizations that fall within the broad mission of the Foundation and are qualified as public charities under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code. The United States has over 650,000 IRS-approved charities, which includes most faith-based programs. We ensure that groups recommended for a grant meet this requirement. Due to federal tax laws, we must reject grant recommendations that would benefit a specific individual, fulfill a personal obligation or support a political campaign or private foundation.

  • In order to help as many nonprofit organizations as possible, our competitive grant program typically accepts only one request per calendar year. However, whenever a Request for Proposal (RFP) is issued from a specific grantmaking committee, even organizations receiving a grant during that calendar year may be able to apply.

  • Our volunteer advisory committees, with staff support, review requests for funding and then present recommendations to our Board of Trustees for final approval.

For Donors

Some of the questions most frequently asked by our donors are answered for you here.

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For Professional Advisors

Some of the questions most frequently asked by professional advisors are answered for you here.

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