Oceana County Sheriff’s Office to Purchase Police K-9
APRIL 17, 2020
With the recent change to marijuana laws in Michigan, the Oceana County Sheriff’s Office is adding a K-9 to the department. The current K-9 in the department, Krieger, was purchased in 2017 and was trained to alert deputies of unlawful controlled substances, which at the time included marijuana. Once a dog has been trained to search for specific narcotics, it’s nearly impossible to remove one substance from the dog’s training and understanding.
To purchase “Laz,” the new Belgium Malinois police K-9, the department received a $6,500 grant from the Friends of Oceana County Sheriff’s Office Fund. The fund, which is managed by the Community Foundation of Oceana County, is in place specifically to contribute to departmental projects, community projects, and equipment for the Sheriff’s Office.
“The K-9 program is very dear to area residents. We are honored to be a partner through the Friends of the Oceana County Sheriff’s Office Fund where community donations help support programs that are beyond their annual budget,” said Tammy Carey, Foundation CEO.
Peterson Farms, a large donor to the Friends of Oceana County Sheriff’s Office Fund, supports the department’s need for an additional K-9.
“The Oceana County Sheriff’s Office takes great measures to ensure the safety of the people of Oceana County,” said Richard Raffaelli, Chief Operating Officer of Peterson Farms. “We greatly appreciate Sheriff Craig Mast, Undersheriff Ryan Shiller, and their team of officers and support crew for their ongoing efforts to provide the best resources to our county,” added Sarah Schlukebir, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer.
Laz is currently being trained in Coldwater, MI, and will be ready for patrol by the end of May 2020. The cost to train a K-9 would traditionally cost the department an additional $6,000. However, with the relationship that dog handler Sgt. Cam Hanson has developed with the dog trainer, and due to the amount of dedication the trainer has seen Sgt. Hansen put into the K-9 program, the pre-training of the dog will be donated at no cost.
“The timing of being able to get a new K-9 dog now when the laws have changed is great,” said Undersheriff Ryan Shiller. “The relationship that our department’s dog handler, Sgt. Hanson, has developed with a successful dog trainer has also been beneficial in helping procure a dog of this quality, that is ready to go to work. Laz is a full service patrol dog, capable of tracking, narcotics detection and handler protection. We are committed to having a successful K-9 program in Oceana County. We are incredibly thankful for the generosity of Peterson Farms and the numerous other donors who made this possible.”
Sgt Hanson is currently planning on keeping the current K-9 dog, Kreiger, as he is a member of their family, an excellent tracking dog and does very well in schools and public events.
About The Friends of Oceana County Sheriff’s Office Fund:
The Friends of Oceana County Sheriff’s Office fund was created to allow for individuals and donors to contribute to projects, equipment and community projects that are not able to be funded through the county’s general fund. The Friends Fund has allowed for the Oceana County Sheriff’s Office to be able to partner with different community leaders and businesses to accomplish projects that they would otherwise not be able to do.