Foundation’s Fall Community Grant Round Supports All Applicants
In its Fall Community Grant Round, the Oceana Community Foundation awarded $47,509 to 12 local schools and nonprofits! All organizations that applied received funding with six organizations receiving full funding up to $7,500 and three receiving partial support. Additionally, local nonprofits, government organizations, and schools have received nearly $64,552 through the Foundation’s Community Wish Lists so far!
“Often, we receive more applications than the Foundation can fund. This season’s grant round marks a new milestone where we could support all grant applicants,” Foundation CEO Tammy Carey explained. “By supporting the Foundation’s Community Investment Fund and field of interest funds, donors are investing in Oceana’s future for the long run. Growing their endowments ensures that funds are available in perpetuity to support our community’s changing needs and our vibrant nonprofit partners.”
Nearly $30,000 of this season’s community grants come from the Community Investment Fund and field-of-interest funds, including $10,000 under the direction of the Foundation’s Youth Advisory Committee and its Youth Fund. Field of interest funds establish endowments to support specific charitable interests, like the Bessie E. & Ethan Allen Gray Health Fund that broadly supports health needs in Oceana County. Foundation donor-advised fund partners contributed an additional $17,500 in grants. Grant recipients included AgeWell Services of West Michigan, Family Promise of the Lakeshore, Hospice of Michigan, Lake Michigan Camp & Retreat, Oceana County 4-H, Oceana County Animal Friends, Oceana County Council on Aging, Oceana County Early Learning Center, Oceana County Medical Care Facility, Pentwater Public Schools, Fountain Hill Center for Counseling, and Oceana County F.I.R.S.T. Robotics Team. The full list of grants, with project descriptions, are posted to the Foundation’s website here.
Funds supporting this round of community grants include the Little Point Sable – Arts for Oceana County Fund, the Bessie E. & Ethan Allen Gray Health Fund, the Homeless Prevention Endowment Fund, the Healthy Youth, Healthy Seniors Fund, the William R. Lathers Foundation, the Oceana Youth Fund, the Community Investment Fund and an anonymous donor.
The Foundation’s donor advised fundholders and community members have been tremendous supporters of its Community Wish Lists. This holiday-centered opportunity is for local organizations to request funding for up to three specific projects beyond their operating budgets. This year was the largest in the Foundation’s history with over $182,000 in requests from 36 organizations. Some organizations receiving full funding of their wishes include the Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Oceana County, Communities Overcoming Violent Encounters (COVE), Hart Boy Scout Troop #1155, Oceana Conservation District, Village of Shelby, Oceana County F.I.R.S.T. Robotics Team, United Way of the Lakeshore, and more. The Wish Lists are still posted to the Foundation website under the GIVE tab for review – give us a call to assist you in being a wishmaker!
From the Foundation’s Board of Trustees and staff, we are overwhelmingly grateful to all our community partners and send our thanks and wishes for a prosperous and peaceful 2024. For more information about making a gift, now or through an estate plan, creating a named fund at the Foundation, or to learn more about Foundation programs & activities, call Tammy Carey at 231-869-3377.