To support the specific replacement of outdated, nonworking, unsafe or unrepairable tools and equipment to ensure the mission of the Center can continue its tangible contribution to the communities it serves.
Fund Type: Community Project
Pentwater Historical Society Building Expansion Fund
Supports the expansion of the Pentwater Historical Society Museum.
Oceana Conservation District Land Preservation Fund
To support the acquisition of land for preservation purposes–either to expand an existing nature preserve or develop a new preserve in Oceana County.
Shelby Township Community Park Fund
To support design & construction of new community park in Shelby Township, Oceana County.
Oceana County Fair Grandstand & Fairgrounds Renovation Fund
To support capital improvements to the Grandstand and Fairgrounds.
Capacity Building
Supports the development of a new building in Oceana County to house administrative office of the Community Foundation for Oceana County
Pentwater Beautification Fund
Supports Village of Pentwater beautification projects – currently focused on the Petal Project. This project’s goal is to extend Pentwater’s tourist season by kick-starting it with a vibrant attraction of yellow daffodils along Pentwater’s commercial corridor, Hancock Street residential area and public spaces. Learn more here.
Oceana Read Early, Read Often
Supports the Read Early, Read Often program to impact early literacy in Oceana
Oceana CAN! Operating Fund
Supports the development and operations of the Oceana CAN! program, which is vital to the future success of Oceana graduates and to the community.
Pentwater-Hart Trail Fund
To support the construction of a paved trail between Pentwater & Hart