Oceana Foundation Hosting Grant Workshop
The Community Foundation for Oceana County is hosting a grant workshop on December 7th, 10-11:30am at the Oceana ESD in Hart, 844 Griswold. The workshop is open to anyone interested in learning more about the Foundation grant process, guidelines and resources. The workshop will also feature a hands-on grant session with experienced nonprofit grant writers Joan Lound and Ken Fisher.
“Participants are encouraged to come “grant-ready” with your questions, whether it be on a Foundation grant or another funding opportunity. Bring a grant you are working on, one that you wished you had applied to, or one that was rejected,” explained Lound. Lound and Fisher will start with some overall tips, advice and guidance and then will be ready to work more in-depth with aspiring grant writers. “We are fortunate to have such experienced grant writers amongst our nonprofit community that are willing to share their experiences and tips for successful grant submissions,” said Tammy Carey, Foundation Executive Director. Workshop participants need to RSVP to tcarey@cffmc.org.
The Foundation hosts two grant rounds each year – in March and September. Because of limited resources, the Foundation can generally make only one-year grant commitments up to $3,000. Longer term commitments may be considered for initiatives that show exceptional promise for community impact. Carey will also share other resources that may be available to local nonprofits. “We know that good programs and projects sometimes take multiple funders to move them forward. We want to attract and encourage funders to look at Oceana County and work together to support the many needs & opportunities we have here,” said Carey.
The Foundation envisions an Oceana where everyone has access to resources to thrive. It receives and manages contributions from citizens and organizations and has provided $4.1 million in grants and scholarships back to the community since 1989. More information can be obtained by calling Ms. Carey at 231-861-8335.