Fund Spotlight – Janie Denman Legacy & Jim Frank Memorial Funds
Two new Build a Funds were recently created at the Oceana Community Foundation, the Janie Denman Legacy Fund and the Jim Frank Memorial Fund. A “Build a Fund” provides donors the goal of reaching the $5,000 minimum for an advised fund within a few years. Once the balance is sufficient, community grants can begin.
Janie was 61 years old when she passed away from cancer in August, 2018. Janie resided with her husband Charlie in Sarasota, Florida and Stony Lake, Michigan. Janie’s community activities included serving on the Stony Lake Property Owners Association Board and as co-chair of the Pentwater Yacht Club Flower Committee. One of her proudest accomplishments was helping to start the Stony Lake Sparkler 5K run – a wildly successful community event and fundraiser for the Crystal Valley Care Fund. She was also a volunteer with the Trinity Lutheran Food Panty, COVE, Women Who Care, and the Pentwater Arts Council.
Janie’s connections to the Pentwater Monday Knitter group and her Stony Lake neighbors were the primary source of her West Michigan friendships. Janie helped organize the knitter’s contribution to the br-A-rt project sponsored by the Arts Council, with project proceeds going to support cancer research. During her own cancer treatments in Michigan, the knitters made an afghan to keep her warm during chemotherapy. Beyond this impressive list of accomplishments, what will stand out above all were Janie’s integrity, graciousness, kindness, sparkling smile and generous heart. Future activity from Janie’s Fund will support needs and opportunities such as, but not limited to, arts, education, music, food pantries, etc.
Jim Frank, a very special Foundation Board member, business owner, father, and all-around great guy, sadly passed away this summer after suffering a brain aneurysm. Jim graduated from Shelby High School before taking over the family business, Valley City Metal Products, in 2002. Jim was committed to the community, and truly cared about making Oceana vibrant and strong. He was an Oceana County Economic Alliance Board Member, a member of the Lakeshore Employer Resource Network (ERN), an Optimist International-Shelby Board Member, and a leadership team member in the Shelby Community Development work. Jim was also an early adopter in Discover Manufacturing Day. Jim was very passionate about economic development and providing opportunities for youth to grow and learn about careers. He also encouraged support for businesses to nurture their valued employees, through the Lakeshore ERN. Jim was a friend to many and will be missed dearly. Future activity from Jim’s Fund will benefit youth programs, economic development activity, and career exploration, all topics Jim was passionate about.
You can support these or one of the Community Foundation’s 150+ Funds, or learn more about starting your own named fund here.