Community Foundation Board of Trustees Transitions
March 29, 2022 – The Community Foundation for Oceana County is fondly thanking parting members while welcoming new additions to its sixteen-member Foundation board. In honoring Garry McKeen, Gerrit Herrygers, and Gene Davidson and their time serving Oceana County, the Foundation thanked our retiring trustees by having them name a grant of $1,000 from its Leadership Fund to a Foundation Fund of their choice.
Garry McKeen had worn many hats in the Foundation – grant committee chair, vice-chair of its Executive Committee, member of its Finance/Investment Committee, and member of Muskegon’s Investment Committee when the Foundation was an affiliate. Garry split his trustee leadership grant between the Oceana Conservation District Land Acquisition Fund and the Little Point Sable – Arts Fund.
Gerrit Herrygers was first a member of the Foundation’s Youth Advisory Council (YAC) board and in his senior year of high school was the YAC Board President. After returning to Oceana County after graduating from Michigan State University, Gerrit joined the Foundation’s Board and provided a youthful perspective. In addition to being an influential mentor to the Foundation’s YAC board, Gerrit served on the Foundation’s Finance/Investment Committee. He designated his trustee leadership grant to the Youth Fund.
Gene Davidson was instrumental in adding some specialty furniture pieces to the Foundation’s office in Pentwater. Gene and other artisans also built the Foundation’s Legacy Society display, in addition to the Foundation’s hand carved building sign. Gene designated the Gene & Barb Davidson Pentwater Artisan Learning Center Fund to receive his legacy grant.
“Garry, Gerrit, and Gene will remain invaluable members of the Foundation’s family. We wish them well and are deeply appreciative of their time and investment in Oceana County’s future,” CEO Tammy Carey stated. “Further, the Board is excited to add Kris Callen, Beth Snider, and Frank Arvai to our board. All three provide unique, insightful professional experiences and relationships within Oceana County that will help the Foundation’s vision of Oceana County’s equitable future.”
For many years Kris Callen was deeply involved in her community in Springfield, Missouri, as well as a seasonal resident since her childhood years of Little Point Sable Association in Oceana County. In Missouri she was part of the Community Foundation of the Ozarks, Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Ozarks, the Council of Churches of the Ozarks and was elected four times to serve and lead the Board of Education. Upon moving back to her hometown of Lansing, Kris continued her nonprofit service while working as an engagement leader for Thrivent. She is knowledgeable in communications and nonprofit governance and interested in education, youth development, and human services.
Beth Snider understands Oceana County’s agricultural roots, having owned and operated Snider Farms for forty years with her family. She served with pride on her hometown Hart Public School’s Board of Education for ten years. Beth serves on the Steering Committee of the Women Who Care of Oceana County and the Oceana County Agriculture Society Board. She is passionate about community development, natural resources, arts and culture, and Oceana’s residents.
A recent full-time addition to Oceana County, Frank Arvai’s great-grandparents owned a farm in Pentwater Township, and he has enjoyed the area since childhood. He is an active finance and investment advisor, currently working for William Mack & Associates. He is the past president and chairman of the FPA of Michigan and the Michigan ICFP. Frank has served on the Foundation’s Investment Committee as an at-large member for the last two years and is thrilled to join the Board of Trustees, sharing his interest in the arts and culture as well as financial insight.
The Foundation’s Board of Trustees is united in envisioning a community where everyone has access to resources to thrive. The Foundation receives and manages contributions from people and organizations and has provided nearly $8 million in grants and scholarships back to the community since 1989.