Grantee Media Kit

Congratulations on receiving a grant from the Oceana Community Foundation! The following guidelines are intended to help you publicize your program. The Community Foundation publicizes grants and grant stories through media relations, social media, publications, and our website. We encourage you to share success stories and photos so we can promote partnerships to make Oceana County a better place to live. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email Hannah Naples, Program Officer.

What you can do

A grant from the Community Foundation is a partnership. Your story is our story. It is also an occasion for the Community Foundation to acknowledge our donors and let them know how their gifts are being used to improve the quality of life in our community. You can publicize the Community Foundation’s support in a number of ways:

Your website: Create a link on your website to the Community Foundation. If we host a fund to support your agency or project, create a giving link as well. You can also include our logo where appropriate. See logo use details below.

Contact local media: Using this sample press release, contact local news organizations (such as the Oceana’s Herald Journal, Oceana County Press, etc.) to let them know about your project and your grant from the Oceana Community Foundation. We would be happy to provide a quote for your press release that is specific to your organization. This is an opportunity to connect your work to our region’s media outlets.

Tell your community: Share information about your grant through your newsletters, annual reports, lists of supporters, at your events and social media! When announcing the grant on social media, link to us on Facebook ( so we “like” and “share” your story, too!

Foundation Logo

We encourage you to use our logo where suitable – on your website, program announcement, signage, etc. To obtain a copy of the Community Foundation logo, please contact Hannah Naples. We have a variety of formats available.

Acknowledging a grant from the Community Foundation

Use this language to acknowledge your grant from the Oceana Community Foundation:

This project was funded (or funded in part) by a grant from the Oceana Community Foundation.

Your grant letter or contract may also ask you to include the name of the fund:

This project was funded (or funded in part) by the FUND NAME of the Oceana Community Foundation.

Keep in touch

We love it when grant recipients share pictures of programs or events, success stories, or any other newsworthy items! If you have a special event or program you will be hosting in conjuction with this grant, let us know! We may be able to come and take pictures!

Give Now

Every gift makes a difference.
Where and how is up to you.

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